We're closed(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っfor good. Wir sind zu,für immer.(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
The secret agenda of the MuDA is to inspire kids and young adults to experience the creative potential of programming and engineering. That's how Kibit, a public physical computing workshop for six to eleven year olds, was started.Die eigentliche Absicht des MuDA ist es, Kinder und Jugendliche durch die kreativen Möglichkeiten des Programmierens und Engineerings zu inspirieren. Dafür wurden mit Kibit öffentliche Workshops für Sechs- bis Elf-Jährige initiiert, wobei sie spielerisch in die faszinierende Welt des «Physical Computings» eingeführt werden.
These popular bi-weekly sessions allow children and their parents to playfully approach computers and learn how to open them up,hack and reprogram them to make them do silly things. And maybe, just maybe, it will lead some little women and men to consider a future in the exciting world of engineering and coding.Die Sonntag- Nachmittagsklassen bieten den Kindern (und ihren Eltern) einen Rahmen sich spielerisch Computern anzunähern, indem diese geöffnet und für lustige Spielereien neu programmiert werden. Vielleicht gelingt es Kibit, in den Kleinen eine lebenslange Leidenschaft zu entfachen die sie dazu veranlässt eine Zukunft in der genialen Welt des Engineerings und Programmierens zu erwägen.
Dieses Projekt wird von der AVINA STIFTUNG unterstützt.This project is supported by the AVINA FOUNDATION
KibitKibit : The 3rd DimensionMar 8, 20208. Mär 20208 mar 20208 mars 2020
KibitHey ho... let's go!Kibit: The 3rd DimensionFeb 23, 202023. Feb 202023 feb 202023 fév 2020
KibitA wonderful workshop for little programmers.Kibit : The 3rd DimensionFeb 9, 20209. Feb 20209 feb 20209 fév 2020
KibitWe are so excited, as this is our first workshop for kids AND parents!!!Motivator Bot WorkshopFeb 2, 20202. Feb 20202 feb 20202 fév 2020
KibitKibit 46The 3rd DimensionDie Dritte DimensionJan 26, 202026. Jan 202026 gen 202026 jan 2020
KibitPhysical computing workshop for kids from 6 to 11 years old.The 3rd DimensionDie dritte DimensionJan 12, 202012. Jan 202012 gen 202012 jan 2020
KibitPhysical computing workshop for kids from 6 - 11 years old.Kibit: Rhythms & LogicDec 8, 20198. Dez 20198 dic 20198 déc 2019
KibitPhysical computing workshop from age 8 upwardsBoombox WorkshopDec 1, 20191. Dez 20191 dic 20191 déc 2019
KibitPhysical computing workshop for kids from 6 - 11 years old.Kibit: Rhythms & LogicNov 17, 201917. Nov 201917 nov 201917 nov 2019
Proto<en>A playful workshop for kids aged 8 to 16 exploring the world of plotting and the artwork of Vera Molnar.</en><de>Ein Workshop für Kinder zwischen 8 bis 16 welches spielerisch die Plotter-Kunst von Vera Molnar erkundschaftet</de>Plotting Workshop with z1 studio (for kids)Plotting-Workshop mit z1 studio (für Kinder)Nov 3, 20193. Nov 20193 nov 20193 nov 2019
KibitMusic making and afternoon jamming – our open lab for kids has a modular vibe this weekend as part of the Modular Fest!Kibit ModularOct 20, 201920. Okt 201920 ott 201920 oct 2019
KibitIn honour of the Digital Festival and Hack Zurich this weekend, this special Kibit will be all about the concept of hacking.Kibit HackSep 29, 201929. Sep 201929 set 201929 sept 2019
KibitChildren's workshop where computation is learned playfully.Rhythm & LogicSep 15, 201915. Sep 201915 set 201915 sept 2019
KibitChildren's workshop where computation is learned playfully.Rhythm & LogicSep 1, 20191. Sep 20191 set 20191 sept 2019
KibitThis is a physical computing workshop for kids from 6 to 11 years old. CodeJul 14, 201914. Jul 201914 lug 201914 juil 2019
KibitThis is a physical computing workshop for kids from 6 to 11 years old. CodeJun 16, 201916. Jun 201916 giu 201916 juin 2019
KibitKibit 34May 19, 201919. Mai 201919 mag 201919 mai 2019
KibitKibit is a physical computing workshop for kids, age 6-11CodeMay 5, 20195. Mai 20195 mag 20195 mai 2019
KibitWe will build and programme a cool chore board with the microbit and an led strip.Analog Task ManagerApr 14, 201914. Apr 201914 apr 201914 avr 2019
KibitKibit is a physical computing workshop for kids, age 6-11CodeApr 7, 20197. Apr 20197 apr 20197 avr 2019
KibitOpen Lab for Kids, 6 – 11 years, where we focus on physical computing. CodeMar 24, 201924. Mär 201924 mar 201924 mars 2019
KibitA physical computing workshop for kids and adultsPimp up your bag with your badge!Mar 17, 201917. Mär 201917 mar 201917 mars 2019
KibitOpen Lab for Kids, 6 – 11 years, where we focus on physical computing. CodeMar 10, 201910. Mär 201910 mar 201910 mars 2019
KibitWe are going to craft and code little car bots!The Fast and CuriousFeb 24, 201924. Feb 201924 feb 201924 fév 2019
KibitOpen Lab for Kids, 6 - 11 years, where we focus on physical computing. CodeFeb 10, 201910. Feb 201910 feb 201910 fév 2019
KibitOpen lab for children, 6 - 11 years old, where focus on physical computing and the digital world.ColorsJan 27, 201927. Jan 201927 gen 201927 jan 2019
KibitCreate your own pillow light with the microbitPillow LightJan 20, 201920. Jan 201920 gen 201920 jan 2019
KibitKibit are open and playful classes in physical computing for children from 6 to 11 years.ColorsJan 13, 201913. Jan 201913 gen 201913 jan 2019
KibitA wonderful Kibit about colours!ColoursFarbenDec 16, 201816. Dez 201816 dic 201816 déc 2018
ProtoA wonderful workshop to learn physical computing.LightboxDec 9, 20189. Dez 20189 dic 20189 déc 2018
ProtoWe're building a combination lock for all our secrets!Combination LockKombinations-SchlossNov 11, 201811. Nov 201811 nov 201811 nov 2018
KibitIn this session of Kibit, we will celebrate everything and anything to do with HACKING!Kibit Hack 2018Sep 16, 201816. Sep 201816 set 201816 sept 2018
KibitIntroductory robotics projects made with combining households materials, craft and code can be a great way to let kids explore hands-on electronics and programming.DIY Microbit Robot WorkshopJun 17, 201817. Jun 201817 giu 201817 juin 2018
KibitThe Animated Microbook Workshop will introduce kids to the microbit through making and coding their very own animated story book.Animated Microbook WorkshopMar 4, 20184. Mär 20184 mar 20184 mars 2018
KibitThis is MuDA's first camp for children!Kids Camp 2017Oct 17, 201717. Okt 201717 ott 201717 oct 2017
KibitStop hey what's that sound, everyone look what's going round ... as kids get to explore the world of sound and technology!SoundOct 1, 20171. Okt 20171 ott 20171 oct 2017
KibitDuring the weekend of the first Zurich Design Biennale, the ETH ✕ MuDA Robotic Pavilion (built by the genius Gramazio Kohler team) will be a place filled with fun, electronic and digital activities to introduce children to computational, logical thinking alongside the most basic of programming and design concepts.ETH ✕ MuDA Robotic PavilionSep 9, 20179. Sep 20179 set 20179 sept 2017
KibitRobots have feelings tooRobotsRoboterJul 2, 20172. Jul 20172 lug 20172 juil 2017
KibitRobots at the MuDARobotsRoboterJun 18, 201718. Jun 201718 giu 201718 juin 2017
KibitRow, row... row your bot!RobotsRoboterJun 4, 20174. Jun 20174 giu 20174 juin 2017
KibitDo the robot dance!RobotsRoboterMay 7, 20177. Mai 20177 mag 20177 mai 2017
KibitThe robots are coming!RobotsRoboterApr 23, 201723. Apr 201723 apr 201723 avr 2017
KibitSpace is still the place!SpaceMar 26, 201726. Mär 201726 mar 201726 mars 2017
KibitSpace it is!SpaceFeb 26, 201726. Feb 201726 feb 201726 fév 2017
KibitAnother Kibit about space!SpaceFeb 12, 201712. Feb 201712 feb 201712 fév 2017
KibitProgram your own musical instrumentDIY SynthFeb 5, 20175. Feb 20175 feb 20175 fév 2017
KibitSpace is the place!SpaceWeltraumJan 29, 201729. Jan 201729 gen 201729 jan 2017
KibitBring your toys to life!Electric VoodooElektrisches VoodooVaudou électroniqueJan 22, 201722. Jan 201722 gen 201722 jan 2017
KibitdateStart building electronics with the fantastic Technology Will Save Us kits!TWSU LaboratoireTWSU LaborTWSU LabDec 11, 201611. Dez 201611 dic 201611 déc 2016
KibitdateStart building electronicsTWSU laboratoireTWSU LaborTWSU LabNov 27, 201627. Nov 201627 nov 201627 nov 2016
KibitMake your very own computer bugBugs informatiquesComputer-KäferComputer BugsNov 13, 201613. Nov 201613 nov 201613 nov 2016
KibitGet Ready for Halloween!Trick ou bleepStreich oder PiiipTrick or BleepOct 30, 201630. Okt 201630 ott 201630 oct 2016
KibitPlay with the KinectKinect les pointsKinect the DotsOct 16, 201616. Okt 201616 ott 201616 oct 2016
KibitSolder your own digital watchKinect avec moiKinect with MeOct 2, 20162. Okt 20162 ott 20162 oct 2016
KibitSolder your own digital watchSolder TimeTemps de soudureLötzeitSep 24, 201624. Sep 201624 set 201624 sept 2016
KibitHack your yummy treatApple HackGehackter ApfelPiratage de pommeSep 18, 201618. Sep 201618 set 201618 sept 2016
KibitMeet Cubetto using theprogramming board and instruction blocks.Salut CubettoHallo CubettoMeet CubettoSep 4, 20164. Sep 20164 set 20164 sept 2016
KibitLearn how binary numbers fool aroundIf This Then ThatSi Ceci, Alors CelaWenn Dies Dann DasJul 24, 201624. Jul 201624 lug 201624 juil 2016
KibitLearn how binary numbers fool aroundBinary PlayBinäres SpielJun 19, 201619. Jun 201619 giu 201619 juin 2016
KibitIt's all about zeros and ones!Binary BaublesBinary BaublesBinäre KettenMay 22, 201622. Mai 201622 mag 201622 mai 2016
KibitThe pixels learn how to dance!Pac Man DancePac Man DansePac Man TanzMay 22, 201622. Mai 201622 mag 201622 mai 2016
KibitThis Kibit lesson teaches children about pixel, code, symmetry, programation, fractions, area and perimeter.PixelsPixelPixelsMay 8, 20168. Mai 20168 mag 20168 mai 2016
Hinderling Volkart