We're closed(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っfor good. Wir sind zu,für immer.(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Fragmentin Workshop 2018-05-10
Info DateDatumDateData: 2018-05-102018-05-13LeadLeitung: Alexa Jeanne KusberLanguagesSprachenLanguesLingue: EnglishEnglischAnglaisInglese, GermanDeutschAllemandTedesco, FrenchFranzösischFrançaisFrancese
As a continuation of the MuDA’s IOOI² series, the awesome art and interaction design studio Fragmentin will offer a 4-day workshop further exploring our local community through artistic and technologic interventions in the urban space!Als Weiterführung der IOOI Serie, hat das MuDA das herausragenden Interaction-Design-Studio Fragmentin eingeladen, welches uns während einem 4-tägigen Workshop unterstützt, unsere lokale Gemeinschaft mit Hilfe künstlerischer und technologischer Interventionen im urbanen Raum zu entdecken.
The implementation and easy access to certain technologies in the city has helped our daily life tremendously by providing the most convenient solutions in the urban space. Examples are all around us: from Google maps getting us to where we need to be quicker, delivering food apps, smart panels displaying targeted advertising to the soon integration of the autonomous car.
The downside of placing trust and reliance on these technologies (and its opaque algorithms) is that we become accustomed to a comfortable (digital) routine, leaving little space for experimentation, randomness, serendipity, spontaneity or simply for being surprised by life.
For Who? The workshop is open for everyone interested in (and curious to explore) technology, art, design and architecture. Ideally someone with a background experience in one of those fields is a plus, but not mandatory. We also welcome groups of 2 to 3 people. Admission: CHF 200 Members: CHF 175 Students: CHF 150 The workshop includes a 50 CHF starter kit (arduino, motors, sensors, dice, script examples, etc), access to materials/equipment and a final gathering to show off and discuss the creations!
Hinderling Volkart