We're closed(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っfor good. Wir sind zu,für immer.(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Rock Print 2017-09-16, 14:00
Info DateDatumDateData: 2017-09-16TimeZeitOraHoraire: 14:00LanguagesSprachenLanguesLingue: EnglishEnglischAnglaisInglese
We have to say good-bye to the every inspiring exhibition of Gramazio Kohler :(Andreas Thoma (project lead exhibition) and Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström (project lead research) will speak about their awesome work Rock Print.Wir müssen uns von der unendlich inspirierenden Gramazio Kohler-Ausstellung verabschieden :(Aber um den Abschied zu versüssen sprechen Andreas Thoma (Projektleiter Ausstellung) and Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström (Projektleiter Forschung) über ihre erstaunliche Installations namens Rock Print.
The talk will not only examine the initial idea, the research before Rock Print, Rock Print itself and the ongoing research - but also a mini version of the work will be at the MuDA for audiences to engage with.
Hinderling Volkart