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Nikita Diakur 2016-12-07, 19:00
Info DateDatumDateData: 2016-12-07TimeZeitOraHoraire: 19:00 – 21:00LanguagesSprachenLanguesLingue: EnglishEnglischAnglaisInglese
Nikita Diakur and his team are working on a film that is animated by a physics engine. Which is a lot of fun and trouble at the same time.
A film director by the name of Nikita Diakur launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in 2015. The young man from Mainz was proposing to create a 3D film based on an ugly cat. And all other characters featured in the campaign looked kind of strange too.
The way these characters behave is also strange. Turns out that Nikita doesn't use traditional animation techniques, but sets up the stage and lets the computer do most of the work while sipping on his macchiato. An animation method that creates all kind of accidents and beauty.
In his talk at MuDA, Nikita – whose project has not only been successfully funded but is also almost ready for its big première – will give insights into his process and tell us how his method and film narrative work together.
Nikita (left) with his protagonist Red Bear.Nikita (links) mit seinem Hauptdarsteller Red Bear.
Hinderling Volkart