We're closed(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っfor good. Wir sind zu,für immer.(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Epic Game Jame 2019 2019-07-05, 20:00
Info DateDatumDateData: 2019-07-052019-07-07TimeZeitOraHoraire: 20:00 – 17:00LeadLeitung: Caroline Hirt
Are you ready to take a wild ride on the dark side? The time to unleash your creative powers has come again and this year, the stakes sure are mighty high.

Programmers, game designers, sound designers, storytellers: you will be claiming back ownership of nothing less than the Epic Game Jam itself, whose future is at stake!

In mathematics, 6 is a perfect number. And the sixth edition of the Epic Game Jam was merrily on its way to becoming just that. The yellow sun was shining, the blue sky was inviting…

And then BAM! Trouble in paradise. An evil entity showed its true colours and seeped its corrupted vibes into the happy-go-lucky spirit of this epic event.

The only way to save it from Eternal Doom is for you, jammers of Switzerland and the world, to unite and fight back with the sizzling games that you will bring to life during this sweat-riddled weekend!

The jam (final battle?) officially begins at 8pm, as soon as the main theme is smashed out of its piñata. Since the 45-hour countdown starts at that very moment, ain’t no time to waste! Participants are thus welcome to set up their workplace and hardware starting from 6pm.
Create your game from your own castle here

Initiate positive chaos here

Or watch the teams in action here

Game on!

Hinderling Volkart