We're closed(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っfor good. Wir sind zu,für immer.(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Epic Game Jam 2017 2017-06-30, 08:00
Info DateDatumDateData: 2017-06-302017-07-02TimeZeitOraHoraire: 08:00 – 17:00LeadLeitung: Caroline HirtLanguagesSprachenLanguesLingue: EnglishEnglischAnglaisInglese, GermanDeutschAllemandTedesco
Programmers, game designers, sound designers, storytellers, papier mâché or laser cutting aficionados... brace yourselves: the time to unleash your creative powers has come again! 
The Epic Game Jam, aka gamification and fun at its fullest, is indeed THE event you want to celebrate the beginning of the summer break with.
What makes this game jam so unique is that an undisclosed number of subthemes are added  during the weekend. Whether or not you decide to embrace this extra challenge is  completely up to you, but it sure will spice up your creativity.            
Warm up the Jane Fonda in you and submit the name of your childhood pet, the sound  snippet that drives you nuts or any other epic revelation directly on their  website.
The jam officially begins at 8 pm, as soon as the main theme is smashed out of its piñata. As the 45–hour countdown starts at that very moment, ain’t no time to waste! Participants are thus welcome to set up their workplace and hardware starting from 6 pm.
I wanna know everything about the Epic Game Jam!
Edit: Your enthusiasm went viral and there are no more seats left to participate from the MuDA, aka the Zurich tentacle. However, there are gazillions of other ways to embrace the epic spirit.
Create your game from your own castle here
Create chaos here
Or watch the teams in action here
Game on!
Hinderling Volkart